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Yellow Dock


AKA: Acedera, Amalvelas, Broad-Leaved Dock, Chukkah, Curled Dock, Curly Dock, Field Sorrel, Herbe à Cochons, Lengua de Vaca, Narrow Dock, Oseille Crépue, Parelle Sauvage, Patience Crépue, Romaza, Rumex, Rumex crispus, Rumex obstusifolius, Sheep Sorrel, Sour Dock, Yellowdock.

Propagation: The plant is native to Europe and Western Asia but has naturalized itself widely in North America where it grows almost anywhere it can. It belongs to the buckwheat or Polygonaceous family. It has yellowish-brown roots, which accounts for its common name. The roots are 8-12 in (20-30 cm) long, about 0.5 in (1.27 cm) thick, fleshy, and usually not forked. The stem is 1-3 ft (0.3-0.9 m) high and branched. The leaves are 6-10 in (15-25 cm) long. The plant is invasive and can become a pesky weed. If you still want to give it a try, scatter the seeds on the soil in fall, or in spring or summer. It emerges from soil depths of 3-inches or less and prefers moist soil and either full sunlight or partial shade. To help keep the plant under control, you may want to try growing it in a container. Just ensure it is deep enough for the taproot. These Perennial plants emerge in mid-spring from taproots, producing a robust rosette. Flowering occurs primarily in June.

History/Folklore: One of the weirdest was the belief that it could 'draw' love. The lovelorn were instructed to dig a root of the curly dock, dress it in a similar manner as the one they had affection for and carry this doll for a month. (Now comes the weird part) After carrying this doll for a month, they were instructed to chop up the root and boil it in water. When this potion cooled, the lovelorn was to wash their entire body in it. This would 'draw' the object of their desire to them forever. The tea from the boiled roots was also rubbed on the doorknobs of businesses to 'draw' customers and people washed their coins in it to 'draw' more money to their pocketbooks. Dock leaves were traditionally added to tobacco pouches to keep the tobacco moist. They were also boiled and added to poultry feed. The stems, after boiling and salting, were woven into baskets. The Greeks and Romans, both used it medicinally. Seeds soaked in water treated dysentery. One common goiter (Swelling of the throat area) treatment was to hang a piece of dock around the patient's neck like an amulet. Yellow dock can help us release the burden of emotional waste, cut bindings and clear blockages that are stopping us from moving on. European pagans believed it to be used to draw in money and business, to do this rinse the door knobs and cash resister of your business using a cloth and yellow dock tea. You can also use yellow dock tea to wash your floor or carry a mojo bag with dried yellow dock inside.

Medicinal: It is used to treat inflammation of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, as a mild laxative and tonic, bacterial infections, STI’s, Dermatitis, Scurvy, Obstructive Jaundice, Psoriasis w/ constipation. It is believed to fortify the Iron in the blood and encourage healthy Peristalsis. It helps with digestive issues, liver diseases and is considered an astringent, cholagogue, hepatic, laxative, and nutritive. In terms of chemical analysis, yellow dock contains anthraquinone glycosides, tannins, rumicin, and oxalates, including potassium oxalate, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium & Phosphorus.

*** Persons with any chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as duodenal ulcers, esophageal reflux, spastic colitis, diverticulosis, or diverticulitis, should not take yellow dock. ***

Summary: Yellow Dock is a very well known plant. Some know it because of spring allergies and others have seen it in the wild. It is known well in the spiritual world but not so well known for it’s medicinal properties. I hope this little blip gives you a small understanding and intrigues you into researching this under utilized plant and you are able to inco

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