AKA: Trifolium pratense; L. Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family); Red Clover, wild clover, meadow trefoil, bee bread, trefoil, cow grass, purple clover, and three-leafed grass.
Propagation/Description: Pollinators love this little bloom. It can repair compacted or nutrient-deficient soils. The plant is in the legume family, so it is nitrogen-fixing thanks to the nodules on the roots. The roots can grow up to 8 feet long, so it loosens up the soil as the plant grows. It can grow in Height: 6 inches – 3 feet Spread: 8 inches – 2

feet. It is a self-propagating seed, but you can sow seeds in partial to full sun by planting the seeds no more than ¼ inch deep and lightly cover them. You can scatter them, or you can plant starts indoors, plant the seed in containers. Keep the seeds moist, and they should germinate in 2-3 weeks. The seeds are frost-resistant, so you can plant them early in the year between January and April or plant later in the year between August and November.

Folklore/History: Druids believed the blossoms could ward off nasty spells and evil spirits. Greeks and Romans associated it with the triad goddesses, while the clover reminded Celtic priests of their three-lobed symbol of the sun. Showing up in writings since at least the 11th century, red clover was widely used by multiple cultures as cattle fodder and for herbal healing throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa. For the Celts, Clover, dedicated to the goddesses, was a symbol of happiness and a talisman against evil spirits. It could ward off spells and grant second sight. The flowering clover was supposed to reveal the footsteps of the Celtic goddess and for this alone it was thought to confer blessings. Irish folklore includes countless tales of four-leaf clover protecting travelers from harm, bringing confusion to priests during their sermons, enabling the wearer to recognize witches or predicting imminent marriages. Indeed, to live ‘in clover’ means to live a life of ease and luxury. Red Clover was introduced to the Americas from Europe and became widely used by native peoples. The leaves and flowers were used by them as an infusion (tea) for whooping cough, a general cancer remedy, and more specifically stomach cancer, menopause, and “blood medicine” meaning blood purifying.

Medicinal: Red clover is commonly used by practitioners as an alterative (an herb or medicinal that gradually restores health) herb to support skin health, both through internal and external use, and is also considered a mild lymphatic. Historically, red clover was used by many cultures for asthma, whooping cough, cancer, and gout. Today, extracts from red clover are most often promoted for menopause symptoms, high cholesterol levels, or osteoporosis by holistic practitioners. Health care practitioners believe that red clover "purified" the blood by acting as a diuretic (helping the body get rid of excess fluid) and expectorant (helping clear lungs of mucous), improving circulation, and helping cleanse the liver. Herbalists use it for a variety of skin ailments, from eczema to psoriasis to acne and regularly recommend red clover for multiple hormonal imbalances for women, including infertility and PMS symptoms like sore breasts.
*** Red clover was reported in clinical studies to cause toxicity, resulting in severe vomiting and epigastric pain, when used along with methotrexate injections. Preclinical studies suggest red clover may increase the effects of Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets. Patients with hormone-sensitive cancers should avoid red clover because it has estrogenic activity. ***

Spiritual: Protection, Love, Luck, Success, Wisdom. It can help banish the programmed expectations of society for “Spiritually gifted or witchy.” To help you find the truth within. Dreaming of clover symbolizes good things coming. Scott Cunningham wrote that red clover added to bath water helps in dealing with financial issues of all kinds, is used in lost potions and to remove negative spirits. Karen Rose, generational healer from Gayana, wrote that in combination with hibiscus, rosebuds, lavender and violets, red clover can support us opening to receiving pleasure of all types.

Summary: No matter the reason for you to delve into Red Clover, the feminine claim to fame is women claiming their power. The feminine energy of this underappreciated herb can be found to be useful in all facets of the female life. Red clover is transformative in our health and minds and uplifting in our hearts and spirit. Red clover brings the positive into every person. It brings spirituality and physical abundance to life. Bring out the goddess in you by using this Gaia given little bloom.

· The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, The Healing Power of Plant Medicine by Dr. Nicole Apelian, Ph.D. & Claud Davis; pgs. 126-127.
· Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, 550 Herbs and Remedies of Common Ailments by Andrew Chevallier, FNIMH; pg. 277.
· Plant Witchery, Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, & Magic of 200 Plants by Juliet Diaz: Pgs. 130-131
· Herbs for Common Ailments, How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies for Home Health Care by Rosemary Gladstar; pg. 58.
· The Handmade Apothecary, Healing Herbal Remedies by Vicky Chown & Kim Walker; pg. 148.
· Encyclopedia of Magical herbs by Scott Cunningham; pgs. 86-87.
· The Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalist, Transform, Heal & Remember with the Power of Plants and Ancestral medicine by Karen M. Rose; pg. 117.
· Floriography, An illustrated Guide to the Victorian language of Flowers by Jessica Roux; pg. 38-39.
· The secret Language of Herbs by Alice Peck; pgs. 62-63.
· Flowerpaedia, 1000 flowers and their meaning by Cheralyn Darcey; pg. 197.