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Purple Dead Nettle (lamium purpureum)



Dead Nettle, Purple Archangel, Purple Dead Nettle, Red Dead Nettle


This wonderous little “weed” is part of the mint family. It is closely related to the henbit. The green henbit leaves are kidney shaped and are attached directly to the stem, whereas the purple deadnettle has a triangular shape, and the stalk is attached to the stem’s leaf blade. It has distinctive pink or light purple flowers which will typically bloom in April, and they last for about six weeks. It produces four nutlet seeds, which can be used to replant for additional growth but left alone and they will propagate themselves and spread. Bees are known to enjoy the pollen and nectar of the flowers. You can propagate by several methods. 1. Stem layering. Simply push a stem (still attached to the mother plant) down to the ground and cover it with soil so only the tip is visible. The tip will soon grow into a new plant. 2. Division. Gently dig up the lamium plant in the spring or fall and separate it. Replant the divisions, spacing them at least 6 inches apart. 3. Cuttings. Snip a 6-inch piece and remove the lower leaves. Dip the bottom of the cutting in a rooting medium and place the cutting in moist sand or perlite in a cup or pot. Cover the plant and pot with a plastic bag and water it as needed to keep it moist. Within a few weeks, the cutting will develop roots. At this point, carefully replant it outdoors or in another pot, using potting mix as the growing medium.

History & Folklore:

They are common throughout Europe, especially Britain, Israel, Norway, northern Africa, western Asia and the Mediterranean. It was introduced to the U.S. and Canada and now grows in many areas throughout both countries. It got its name because of its apparent resemblance to stinging nettle, minus the sting. In older folklore it was said to be a cheerful herb that makes the heart merry.


It has multiple medicinal purposes, and is considered a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, purgative, and styptic. The fresh leaves are helpful for external wounds or cuts. It is packed with fiber, iron, antioxidants and vitamins and makes a great addition to your diet. It is also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. It’s good for the kidneys and is believed to even help with seasonal allergies.

***WARNING - Consuming large amounts will make it act as a laxative. ***


Dispel darkness and fear, makes you more grounded (combine with yarrow in a tea to take heart). Dispels gloom - brings happiness and cheerfulness, stability, strength of will and resistance and overcoming obstacles. Use it for career spells, and anytime you need a boost in success. Being part of the mint family, it is sacred to Mercury and the element of air. Carry it with you for success in contracts, legal matters, exams, job interviews and new ventures.


Purple Dead Nettle, mostly known as a weed, is a little powerhouse that packs a healthy punch! I frustrate my partner in life by not letting him mow the yard until I have exhausted myself by gathering as much of this beautiful little plant as I possibly can. From treating allergy symptoms and other ailments to uplifting your spiritual walk, this little unassuming plant can bring so many benefits into your life. Amazing how our planet is in providing so much of what we need in our own back yards. LITERALLY!!! Go pick some purple dead nettle and make a delicious cup of tea this spring!!

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