Mentha x piperita; L. Family: Mint (Lamiaceae), The Ancient Herb, Peppermint, Brandy mint, American mint, lamb mint, lammint.

It is a cross between a Watermint & Spearmint and grows up to 35 inches tall. It has a square stem, and its leaves are dark green with reddish veins. Purple flowers grow around the stem generally. It likes temperate dry conditions with lots of light. The smell of peppermint is a snake and mouse repellant, so it is a great addition to your flower beds around the house and yard. You can propagate this plant in pots or in your gardens very easily. From cuttings you will remove the lower leaves and place them in a clear glass of water and sit in a sunny window seal until you see them take root within a couple of weeks. Then transplant them into pots in peat-free multipurpose compost. Keep indoors for a week, keeping it moist. Once the plant has been established you can move it to it’s final home. All the mints are self-establishing and considered a creeper so it can take over your garden or yards over time. Some may prefer to keep in an enclosed area or container to maintain control of growth.
There are documented records on peppermint dating back to at least 1500 B.C. and are thought to have possibly originated in Northern Africa or the Mediterranean. In Greek mythology it is said that peppermint came to be out of jealousy and infidelity. The story goes that Hades was seduced by the nymph, Minth. Hades’ wife, Persephone, became angry and turned Minth into a plant that people would walk on. Hades, outraged, imbued the plant with peppermint to ensure those who stepped on it would smell the enticing aroma and remember Minth & her beauty. It has been valued as a symbol of wisdom and virtue, passion, and love. English folklore showed that finding a flowering mint brought eternal happiness. The French believed carrying a bouquet of mint and St. John’s Wort warded off evil spirits. The Italians believed it protected children from sickness and silkworms from evil spirits. Egyptians buried their dead with the plant to protect them on their journey into the afterlife. In ancient Asian cultures it was put into scrolls and considered a sign of friendship and love when the scroll was passed on to someone. Icelandic people used it to whiten their teeth and it is still being used today in toothpaste. Many pagans, still today, hold the plant in high regard for magical purposes of healing, love, protection, prosperity, luck, travel, good dreams, strength, communication and psychic work.
It is an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, fever reducer, helps with sore muscles, relieve nausea, relaxes the colon, assists in relieving breast-feeding discomfort, Heartburn reliever, helps relieve migraines and tension headaches. It aids in digestion and has been used for thousands of years for that. It reduces symptoms of IBS and abdominal pain. Freshens the breath and reduces daytime fatigue. It can also help in relieving allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion, due to it containing Rosmarinic acid which is an anti-inflammatory compound. It can also improve memory and concentration. Peppermint hydrosol or flower water is most famous for its digestive, anti-inflammatory, and mind-stimulating properties. Spritz it on your face when tired, or during hot weather and you will feel an immediate refreshing effect. Caution is needed if you suffer from acid reflux or chronic heart burn as peppermint has been known to incite those conditions if consumed on a regular basis. Consult with your doctor prior to incorporating a daily routine with peppermint if you have those conditions or any like them.

Peppermint has long been used in cleansing or purification rituals all over the world. It is also believed to be protective, raise your positive vibrations, calling in of the spirits, prosperity, prophetic dreams, banishes evil and illness, mental clarity, and divination. The general consensus is that this plant can bring clarity and positivity into your spirit. A belief carried for millennia.
In summary, I have always loved mints of all kinds. We are most familiar with it in the little red and white candies and have childhood memories of these at Christmas (Candy Canes) and year around. This is a beautiful and very beneficial plant. I have one myself and use it often. We all can benefit (mind, body and spirit) from this deliciously aromatic and flavorful herb. Whether you use this information to enhance your mind and body or to enhance your spiritual practice, all who use this herb will be better for it. A truly beautiful gift from our earth and universe. I hope you were able to learn something new about this amazing plant today! Peace and love be with all of you!
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies; The Healing Power of Plant Medicine by Dr. Nicole Apelian, Ph.D & Claude Davis, Pages 118-119
Medicinal Herbs; A Beginner’s Guide by Rosemary Gladstar, Pages 184 – 187
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Andrew Chevallier, FNIMH, Page 114
Encyclopedia of Magincal Herbs by Scott Cunningham, Page 200